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发布时间:2022-11-17 15:10:03 点击率:433次

在搬家中,如何处理搬家后遇到家具小问题?章丘搬家公司http://www.zqhjybj.com/提示说裂缝、孔洞 桌、椅、柜面出现裂缝、孔洞的修补方法有两种:一是把旧书报剪成碎屑,加入适量明矾与清水煮成糊状,嵌入缝内,干后很牢。二是用1?誜1白胶水拌木屑调均匀,嵌入裂缝,一昼夜后用砂纸磨光,简单经济。
In the move, how to deal with after the move furniture small problems? Chapter grave moving company suggests that cracks, holes, cracks in counter, tables and chairs hole repair method has two kinds: one is to put the old books to cut into crumbs, adding suitable amount of alum and boiled into a paste, embed seam, dry very fast. The second is to use 1? Uniform 誜 1 with white glue mixed with sawdust, embedded cracks, with sand after a day and night, simple and economic.
  铰链松动 可取一细如筷子的木料,削尖涂上白胶水塞于木螺丝孔内锤进,锤进后折断木条,再将木螺丝重新旋进,即可旋紧。
Loose hinge desirable a fine timber, such as chopsticks sharpened coated with white glue plug in wood screw hole hammer, hammer broken wood, after again will wood screws to precession, then tighten.
  油漆污点 油漆滴在家具上,未干时可用有蜡水的布抹掉,或用钢丝绒蘸上蜡油轻轻擦拭。如油漆已干,则可把亚麻籽油滴在油漆上使之变质,然后用布抹掉,再用灰石和蜡油磨光即成。
Paint paint stains on furniture, when working with wax water available cloth to wipe, or dip in with steel wool wax wiped gently. If paint is dry, can the linseed oil droplets of metamorphism in the paint, then wipe with cloth, with a grey stone and wax polish.
  油漆剥落 清漆家具表面小块油漆剥落后可取同色广告颜料涂补,再用清漆涂在表面,即完好如初。
Small paint peeling paint varnish furniture surface with desirable AD after peeling paint, reoccupy varnish coating on the surface, is intact.
  火灼损伤 先将火灼过的木质用刀片除去,再用钢丝绒擦干净,然后用补家具的胶木填好,油磨平滑,再用家具蜡磨光。
Fire damage to the fire burning wood with a razor blade to remove and clean with a steel wool, and then fill with furniture bakelite fill, oil grinding smooth, reoccupy furniture wax polish.
  抽屉磨损 抽屉道磨损大,可将抽屉拉出翻身,用电烙铁在抽屉道上烫层蜡烛油,使油液渗入木质。用同法在桌柜相应的道上也烫上蜡烛油,就可减少抽屉磨损。
Drawer abrasion wear big drawer, drawer can be pulled out turn over, with electric iron layer of wax on the drawer path, make the oil infiltration woodiness. Use the same method in the way of the corresponding table ark also hot wax, drawer can reduce wear and tear.
  金属家具除锈 可用纱布蘸少许缝纫机油将锈斑擦净,露出锈蚀处再用1 号细水磨砂纸擦除锈迹,用纱布将锈屑油污揩净,然后以比例将油漆与松节油调配,均匀涂在锈蚀处。
Metal furniture cleaning can dip in with cotton gauze wipe a little sewing machine oil will rust stain, revealing corroded place with no. 1 fine grinding abrasive paper erasure rust, chip with gauze will rust oil wipe clean, and in proportion to the paint and turpentine, evenly in the rust.
  电镀家具除锈 小件可放入盛有机油的盆里浸泡除锈;大件可用刷子或棉纱蘸机油涂于锈处,片刻后再来回擦拭,即可除去锈迹。
Electroplating furniture cleaning small can be put into the oil bowl soaking derusting; Big oil can use brush or cotton dips in apply rust, wipe again after a short back and forth, can remove the rust.
  漆泽暗淡 木家具漆面光泽的恢复有两种办法。一是用半杯清水加1/4杯醋,用软布蘸之擦拭。二是用酒精或花露水、茶水浸湿软布轻拭一二次,再擦一遍地板蜡。
QiZe dark wood furniture paint gloss recovery has two kinds of methods. One is add 1/4 cup of vinegar with half a cup of water, dip in with soft cloth to wipe. The second is a soft cloth soaked in alcohol or toilet water, tea light mop a secondary, wipe the floor wax again.


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